Pengertian InstrumenInstrumen pengumpul data adalah alat bantu yang dipilih dan digunakan oleh peneliti dalam kegiatannya mengumpulkan agar kegiatan tersebut menjadi sistematis dan dipermudah olehnya. Berdasarkan definisi tersebut, suatu instrumen berfungsi untuk menjaring data-data hasil penelitian. Instrumen juga diartikan sebagai alat bantu merupakan saran yang dapat diwujudkan dalam benda, misalnya angket ( questionnaire), daftar cocok ( checklist), pedoman wawancara ( interview guide), lembar/panduan pengamatan ( observation sheet atau observation schedule), soal tes ( test), dan skala ( scale).Pembuatan instrumen penelitian merupakan satu mata rantai dalam kegiatan penelitian setelah peneliti merumuskan secara jelas dan tegas permasalahan dan tujuan penelitian. Dari instrumen penelitian akan diperoleh rangkaian jawaban responden yang akan menjadi data untuk diolah, ditabulasi, dianalisis statistik, analisis teoritis, uji hipotesis (jika ada), dan akhirnya diperoleh kesimpulan dari penelitian itu.B. Langkah-Langkah Menyusun InstrumenAda beberapa langkah umum yang bisa ditempuh dalam menyusun instrumen penelitian. Langkah-langkah tersebut adalah:. Analisis variabel penelitian, yakni mengkaji variabel menjadi sub penelitian sejelas-jelasnya, sehingga indikator tersebut bisa diukur dan menghasilkan data yang diinginkan peneliti.
Dalam membuat indikator variabel, peneliti dapat menggunakan teori atau konsep-konsep yang ada dalam pengetahuan ilmiah yang berkenaan dengan variabel tersebut, atau menggunakan fakta empiris berdasarkan pengamatan lapangan. Menetapkan jenis instrumen yang digunakan untuk mengukur variabel, subvariabel atau indikator-indikatornya. Satu variabel mungkin bisa diukur oleh atau jenis instrumen, bisa pula lebih dari satu instrumen. Setelah ditetapkan jenis instrumennya, peneliti menyusun kisi-kisi atau layout Kisi-kisi ini berisi lingkup materi pertanyaan, abilitas yang diukur, jenis pertanyaan, banyak pertanyaan, waktu yang dibutuhkan. Materi atau lingkup materi pertanyaan didasarkan pada indikator varibel. Artinya, setiap indikator akan menghasilkann beberapa luas lingkup isi pertanyaan, serta abilitas yang diukurnya. Abilitas dimaksudkan adalah kemampuan yang diharapkan dari subjek yang diteliti.
Sebenarnya ada banyak artikel tentang contoh makalah yang lengkap, baik dan benar di internet, tapi mudah-mudahan tulisan kali ini bisa membantu anda dengan menyajikan secara lebih detail bagaimana mudahnya menyusun makalah secara baik dan benar dengan berpedoman pada kerangka makalah yang meskipun bisa berbeda-beda antara institusi tempat dimana anda belajar yang satu dengan yang lainnya.
Misalnya kalau diukur prestasi belajar, maka abilitas prestasi tersebut dilihat dari kemampuan subjek dalam hal pengenalan, pemahaman, aplikasi, analisis, sintesis, evaluasi. Atau bila diukur sikap seseorang, maka lingkup abilitas sikap kita bedakan aspek kognisi, afeksi, dan konasinya. Berdasarkan kisi-kisi tersebut lalu peneliti menyusun item dan pertanyaan sesuai dengan jenis instrumen dan jumlah yang telah ditetapkan dalam kisi-kisi. Jumlah pertanyaan bisa dibuat lebih dari yang ditetapkan sebagai item cadangan. Setiap item yang dibuat peneliti harus sudah punya gambaran jawaban yang diharapkan.
Artinya, prakiraan jawaban yang betul/diinginkan harus dibuat peneliti. Instrumen yang sudah dibuat sebaiknya diuji coba digunakan untuk revisi instrumen, misalnya membuang instumen yang tidak perlu, menggantinya dengan item yang baru, atau perbaikan isi dan redaksi atau bahasannya.C. Kisi-kisi Instrumen PenelitianSebelum instrumen penelitian disusun, perlu disusun sebuah rancangan penyusunan instrumen yang dikenal dengan istilah “kisi-kisi”. Menurut pengertiannya kisi-kisi adalah sebuah tabel yang menunjukkan hubungan antara hal-hal yang disebutkan dalam baris dengan hal-hal yang disebutkan dalam kolom. Kisi-kisi penyusunan instrumen menunjukkan kaitan antara variabel (tema-objek/hal-hal pokok yang menjadi pusat tinjauan teori) yang diteliti dengan sumber data yang akan diambil, metode yang digunakan dan instrumen yang disusun.Dalam kisi-kisi non-tes biasanya format tabelnya berisi variabel, indikator (uraian/rincian variabel yang akan diukur), nomor soal (butir-butir soal), dan jumlah soal. Nomor soal atau butir-butir soal bisa dibuat dalam bentuk pernyataan maupun pertanyaan, yang biasanya terdiri dari pernyataan/pertanyaan positif dan negatif.Berikut contoh kisi-kisi yang berupa angket tentang Motivasi Belajar Matematika Pada Siswa:VariabelINDIKATORNOMOR SOALJUMLAHPOSITIFNEGATIFMotivasi Belajar(X1)1. Tekun dalam belajar1, 3232.
Ulet dalam menghadapi kesulitan belajar5, 64, 124VARIABELINDIKATORNOMOR SOALJUMLAHPOSITIFNEGATIFMotivasi Belajar(X1)3. Perhatian dalam belajar7, 9834. Berprestasi dalam belajar1011, 1535. Mandiri dalam belajar13142TOTAL8715D. Butir-Butir Instrumen PenelitianDari kisi-kisi yang telah disusun di atas, kemudian dikembangkan menjadi butir-butir instrumen yang setiap nomornya disesuaikan dengan tiap indikatornya. “Hwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa” I slammed my bag and then cried when I enter my house.My mother, which was in the kitchen, directly come to me and say, “What’s wrong ifaaaaa?”:(I can only whine, “tiiiiiiirreeeeeeeeddd. I’m so tired mooom:(“Today is my second day through MOS in my Senior High School.
As usual, MOS tradition always held to welcome the new students of high school. And I really hate MOS, MOPDB, OSPEK or whatever it is. Because it is a very scary activity that could create new students scolded by the student council, make us difficult and quite splurging money.
I am a kind of person that is not too bold, timid and easily scared. I can scare to anything, and attending an activity like this will make my fears peaked. If there is one thing that is not accomplished, I can be scolded or even worse bullied by the student council.“Everyone is also tired,” mom said.“Why is it MOS like this still held?! It makes me tired, moreover, I’m afraid with my senior:(“ I deject.“You have to be patient, honey. Your ‘tired’ will end just for one more day. Now, you better take a rest, take a shower then prepare the goods for MOS tomorrow, okay?”“Okaay”I, who had been at the front door, slowly walk to my room while dragging my bag with a speed of 0.5 m / h.At night,“Woy fa, do you have all the staffs for MOS tomorrow?” Asked Nopih in my Facebook wall.“Almost all, there is one that I can’t decide yet. What do you think ‘Immortal Rice’ is?
I’m so confused to think about it. I had no idea at all about that kind of rice.” I reply.“So do me. I also do not know, but my mother told me to bring Nasi Uduk” said Nopih.“I think Immortal Rice is Nasi Uduk or Nasi Kuning. The yellow flag is a sign of there is someone who died and died means immortal. So it makes sense if the answer is Nasi Kuning right?” Shela joined.“I think so. But the other kids said that is Nasi Uduk.
There are many of us who will bring Nasi Uduk tomorrow.” Nopih added.I also badly confused at the thing. “But, it also makes sense anyway if the answer is Nasi Kuning, but what if just a few of us who bring Nasi Kuning? And how if Nasi Kuning is the wrong answer?! I’ll better bring Nasi Uduk.” I talked to myself.And the next day comes. I am ready to go to school and go at half past six from home. I’ve been forced to be independent because my father doesn’t want to take me to school. He said I’ve to be independent because I have grown up now.
So, I have to use public transportation on the first day I go to a new school. But it’s okay, I’m in a state of grief that cannot think of it as inferior to fears about what will happen 8 hours ahead in school.To get to school, I have to use public transportation twice.
In the first public transportation, I was relaxed—or more honestly was trying to relax. In the second public transportation, I was still relaxed with a little worry. But, when it was approximately 20 meters to the front of the school, suddenly I felt immediately unwell, stomachache, and I want to have a pup. My heartfelt really heavy, like there is a rock that weighs 2000 ton crushed my heart.
I felt like I want to go out of the public transportation and go back to my house, but it was not possible. The driver drove the car perhaps with a speed of 20-30 km/h. But to me, it gets a speed of 200 km/h and it’s like the driver wants to send me to the pit of death. My heart raced, “dag dig dug dig dug”, hard and fast to the point that the drum of Takbiran will lose. Finally, I arrived in front of the school.
When my feet down of the public transportation and step on the ground, the clouds seemed to change to dark, clouds covered the sun and lots of crows flying in the sky as if I were walking towards the gates of darkness. Suddenly,“Faaa!” called Nopih while waving her hand at me.I, who from the front of the street walk with my head down thinking about my fears, immediately raised my head to find the familiar sound. And I saw Nopih in front of the school gate.
I immediately put on a big smile and ran towards her. “Alhamdulillah ya Allah, I meet nopiiiih. I know You loves me”.
I spoke in my heart.“Nop, do you see the clouds look very dark? Don’t you see a lot of crows in the sky were yelling? “I said.“Hah? What do you mean? It is a sunny day.
The sun almost rises. You always like this, when we have MOS you always lebayyy!!
“said Nopih.“Mueheheheheheheheh”“Let’s go in!”“But, Nop” I held her. “I’m afraaaaaid”. “Don’t you see the student council’s face is really scary?!”“Oh my God, what are you afraid of? They are also a human. They also eat rice just like us. Don’t be afraid!
Just stay near me!” Nopih pulls my hand and led me to the field for the morning ceremony.I have been friend with Nopih since we were in elementary school, and from the first, she was always been, my protector. She is bold with all things, while I am fear with almost anything hahaha. That’s why she wants to protect me.After the ceremony, we went to class. I and Nopih are in the same class. Our class is maintained by three student councils.“Okay guys, now put out the things that we asked to be taken today,” said one of them. “Those who do not carry and those who bring the wrong thing must be ready yaaaaa!” He added.“Oh God, please do not let anything miss,” I said to myself while checking the bag.Logically, I have already checked the contents of my bag back and forth more than 10 times at home, so there should not be something missed.“Of all staffs that we asked, what is the most difficult for you to guess?
Asked one of them.“The immortal rice!” Said one of the boys at the back of the class“Oooh, hahaha. The immortal rice iiiiiiiiiis Nasi Kuniiing “Instantly, the classroom atmosphere changes to silence.
The majority of us carry Nasi Uduk. One thing I can do is only head down thinking of what punishment will be given by them to us L. From 37 students in the class only 3 people who really brought Nasi Kuning.“Because of you guys bring the wrong thing, you will receive a punishment yaa!
Includes they who are carrying Nasi Kuning also receive the punishment.“Hmmmm, let me think. I want to ask you to sing in the schoolyard actually, but soon is the time for you to go to the school hall for having material given by teachers. So, how about this, you sing the jargon song that you’ve made together yesterday as much as 40 times!
Okay, let’s do it!!” ordered the student council.—Here we are, singing the class jargon as much as 40 times in a forced loud voice. My voice was almost gone because of it. But it’s still okay, at least that is better than singing in the schoolyard down there and watched by everyone—After that, we were herded into the hall to follow the material that will be given by teachers. We entered the hall at 9 pm, and three hours later then the material is done and we are asked to go back to the classroom for prayer and lunch break.“Noop. I really thank God we have the material session for 3 hours in the hall. At least I can breathe for a while and my heart can rest.
My world is bright again, heavy clouds had disappeared, crows back to the nest, the sun was shining brightly hahaha” I breathed a sigh of relief.“oh my God, you are such a lebay!! But yes, thank God.
I was able to sleep earlier haha” Nopih joked.“You are so brave to sleeping there. If one of our senior sees you, there will only be your name who back home!” I said.“Hahahahaha I-Don’t-Care! Oh, well let’s pray ” Invite Nopih“Okay, let’s go.”After prayer, we go back to the classroom to eat.
Our lunch menu is rice that we had brought.Teeeeeet!!! The bell rings the sign of rest period has ended. My world began to overcast again, the sky is dark, crows flew over the sky.Right after the bell rang, 3 student councils that guarding our class came.“HELLLOOOOWW!!!!” cried one of them with the spirit. “Why are you all looks tired? I think you need to sing you jargon to be happy again!
“Commanded one of them.—Here we are, singing the jargon song for 7 times huhuhuuuu—“Okay okay, yesterday’s we have asked you to bring green bean porridge. You have brought it right?! Put it out and lay it here at the front desk of the class. “asked one of them.After all, students put their green bean porridge to the front desk, they check the green bean porridge. There was the usual green bean porridge, there is also a green bean porridge mixed with black rice.“Nop, I had a bad feeling about this” I whispered to Nopih.“So do I”“It seems like they check which of that porridge that seems not worth eating”“I am thinking about that too.
If it’s true, they all are too mean”Then, some porridge was elected, and then easily they mix them into one container. It became a blend of pureed green beans and black rice porridge that is not thick but not too liquid, and the color is dark blackish green. Then.“Yap, because of you already bring this porridge, and it will be not good letting the foods not eaten, so you have to eat this yaaaaa!!
Relax; you don’t need to eat it, because you will be fed by us. It’s cool, right?“Oh, God. Right, what I said.
MOS was indeed cruel and frightening. Imagine, I had to eat the mix porridge made by different people and from different regions, which had been bought from last night and most likely closer to stale, which from the outside looks already disgusting, let alone tasted!!! ” I shouted in my heart.The only thing that gives me the strength to face this is to think that today is the last day of MOS and 2 hours more my suffering will end.It’s now my turn to being fed the concoction of incredible porridge.“Aaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!” said one of the student council demonstrating a mother who was feeding her child.I could only close my eyes as I opened my mouth as wide as I could. I’m not strong enough to see that incredible porridge. When the pulp is already in the mouth, slowly I try to chew. I want to swallow it immediately but I couldn’t, I want to chew it but it is so disgusting. I was forced to chew on while holding the breath so that the taste of the porridge was not too felt in my mouth.
It feels cannot be expressed in words.And our class is not only eating one spoon but the whole concoction porridge of green beans that had been collected!!!In the very 3 p.m, we have eaten all of the porridge. All the students seemed nauseated. All sigh of relief.Teeet!!! The bell rings time to go home.Then the student council asks us to clean up our stuff and then go to the field for the MOS closing ceremony. Before we finish.“Attention!” Said the student council.
“We all thank you because you’ve been good and obeyed junior. We also apologize profusely to you because we’ve asked you to take a lot of things and asked it in the very day before. We also apologize because we’ve been a bit nasty to you for three days. All that we’ve done is an early exercise for you so that you are familiar with many tasks and urgent situations. We apply a bit nasty to you is to train your mind, so that you’ll be brave.
You must be tired I know, we were all tired too, even more, tired than you ““More tired, fart!” I said in my heart“But following this MOS you have nothing to lose because this is something that you will always remember. You will have wonderful memories to tell it back later when you’ve graduated. Once again thanks for that. Now you are allowed to field”And we all go to the field. About a half an hour the ceremony finally ended. It was time to go home.
I do not want to be here any longer. I immediately rush to invite Nopih to go back home. It is true what is said by the student council about MOS. But, my brain could not think of his words any deeper, that is in my mind was that I could go home and sleep as long as I want. 1. Old English Literature: c. 450-1066or Anglo-Saxon literature includes the surviving literature written in or Anglo-Saxons Period, that is from the withdrawal of the Romans legions during the fifth century, then the settlement of the Germanic tribes—the Angles the Saxons, and the —in England in the 450, and ending soon after the Norman Conquest in 1066. These works include genres such as epic poetry, hagiography, sermons, Bible translations, legal works, chronicles, riddles, and others.
Was very strong and most literary works were written to be performed. Nearly all Anglo-Saxon authors are anonymous: twelve are known by name from Medieval sources, but only four of those are known by their vernacular works with any certainty:, and.Old English poetry falls broadly into two styles or fields of reference, the heroic Germanic and the Christian. It is difficult and probably futile to draw a line between “heroic” and “Christian,” for the best poetry crosses that boundary. Much of the Christian poetry is also cast in heroic mode: although the Anglo-Saxons adapted themselves readily to the ideals of Christianity, they did not do so without adapting Christianity to their own heroic ideal.The world of Old English poetry is predominantly harsh and romantic love appears hardly at all. The poetic diction, formulaic phrases, and repetitions of parallel syntactic structures, which are determined by the versification, are difficult to reproduce in modern translation. Poetic language is created out of a special vocabulary that contains a multiplicity of terms for lord, warrior, spear, shield, and so on.
Synecdoche and metonymy are common figures of speech as when keel is used for “ship” or iron for “sword.” A particularly striking effect is achieved by the kenning, a compound of two words in place of another as when sea becomes “whale-road” or body is called “life-house.” The figurative use of language finds playful expression in poetic riddles, of which about one hundred survive. Common (and sometimes uncommon) creatures, objects, or phenomena are described in an enigmatic passage of alliterative verse, and the reader must guess their identity.The surviving works of literature in Old English are (between 658 and 680), Beowulf (between the 8 th and the early 11 th century), (8 th century), The Wanderer (the late 10 th century), The Seafarer, The Wife’s Lament, and The Battle of Maldon.2.
Middle English Literature: c. 1066-1500As the result of the of England in 1066, French in official and literary contexts, although, obviously, not in the day-to-day life of the majority of the population, drives out Old English; French became the standard language of courts, parliament, and polite society.
There are three main categories of Middle English Literature, that is Religious, Courtly love, and Arthurian.The writers of this period are Geoffrey of Monmouth as the author of History of the Kings of Britain, Wace who wrote Le Roman de Brut and Le Roman de Rou, and Layamon who adapted Wace’s Roman de Brut into Middle English alliterative verse and wrote Brut; with the Piers Plowman and with his many works, which include, the, the and, and, which is remembered primarily for three major works: the Mirroir de l’Omme, and, and so on.3. English Renaissance: c. 1500-1660The was a cultural and artistic movement in England dating from the late 15th and early 16th centuries to the 17th century. Era is usually regarded as the English Renaissance. Printing Press has been introduced in England by William Caxton in 1476. During the reigns of (1558–1603) and James I (1603–1625), a London-centred culture, both and popular, produced great poetry and drama.
English playwrights combined the influence of the with the ‘s rediscovery of the, for tragedy, and and, for comedy. Italy was an important source for Renaissance ideas in England.Important poets in this period are (c. 1552–99) with his works (1590 and 1596), an epic poem and fantastical celebrating the. Another major figure, (1554–1586), was an English poet, courtier, and soldier, and is remembered as one of the most prominent figures of the with his works include, and.or Hieronimo is Mad Again is an Elizabethan written by between 1582 and 1592. Highly popular and influential in its time, The Spanish Tragedy established a new in English literature theatre, the or revenge tragedy.
Its contains several violent murders and includes as one of its a of Revenge. The Spanish Tragedy was often referred to, or parodied, in works written by other Elizabethan, including,. Shakespeare wrote plays in a variety of genres, including, and the late romances, or tragicomedies. The comedies are like, and; the history play written between 1592 and 1599: Richard III, Richard II, King John, and, and; and the tragedies are, Hamlet (1600), Othello (1604), King Lear (1605), and Macbeth (1605-1606).
Shakespeare also popularized the, which made significant changes to ‘s model.Besides Shakespeare and Ben Jonson, the major poets of the early 17 th century included the, that are (1572–1631), (1593–1633), and.4. Restoration Age: 1660-1700Prose in the Restoration period is dominated by religious writing, but the Restoration also saw the beginnings of two genres that would dominate later periods: and journalism. Religious writing often strayed into political and economic writing; just as political and economic writing implied or directly addressed religion.It is impossible to satisfactorily date the beginning of the in English. However, long fiction and fictional biographies began to distinguish themselves from other forms in England during the Restoration period.
An existing tradition of Romance fiction in and was popular in England. One of the most significant figures in the rise of the novel in the Restoration period is, author of (1688), who was not only the first professional female novelist, but she may be among the first professional novelists of either sex in England.Important people in this era are John Milton with his best-known poem Paradise Lost (1671), John Dryden (1631-1700), Alexander Pope (1688-1744), John Locke, and.5.
Augustan Literature: c. 1700-1750The term Augustan literature derives from authors of the 1720s and 1730s themselves, who responded to a term that George I of England preferred for himself.
While George I meant the title to reflect his might, they instead saw in it a reflection of ‘s transition from rough and ready literature to highly political and highly polished literature. Because of the aptness of the metaphor, the period from 1689 to 1750 was called “the Augustan Age” by critics throughout the 18th century (including and ). The literature of the period is overtly political and thoroughly aware of critical dictates for literature. It is an age of exuberance and scandal, of enormous energy and inventiveness and outrage, that reflected an era when English, Scottish, and Irish people found themselves in the midst of an expanding economy, lowering barriers to education, and the stirrings of the.It was during this time that poet (1700–48) produced his melancholy The Seasons (1728–1730) and Edward Young (1681–1765) wrote his poem Night Thoughts (1742). In prose, the earlier part of the period was overshadowed by the development of the English essay. Periodical essays bloomed into journalistic writings; such as ’s “Reports of the Debates of the Senate of Lilliput”, titled to disguise the actual proceeding of parliament as it was illegal for any Parliamentary Reports to be reproduced in print.
However, this was also the time when the English, first emerging in the Restoration, developed into a major art form. Turned from and writing criminal lives for the press to writing fictional criminal lives with and. He also wrote a fictional treatment of the travels of called (1719). The novel would benefit indirectly from a tragedy of the stage, and in mid-century many more authors would begin to write novels.6. Age of Sensibility: c.
1750-1798This period is also sometimes described as the “Age of Johnson”. (1709–1784), often referred to as Dr. Johnson, was an English author who made lasting contributions to English literature as a poet, essayist, moralist, literary, critic, biographer, editor, and lexicographer. His early works include the poems “” and “his most impressive poem”, (1749). Both poems are modeled on ’s satires. After nine years of work, Johnson’s was published in 1755; it had a far-reaching effect on and has been described as “one of the greatest single achievements of scholarship.” This work brought Johnson popularity and success. Until the completion of the 150 years later, Johnson’s was viewed as the pre-eminent British dictionary. His later works included essays, an influential annotated edition of (1765), and the widely read tale (1759). In 1763, he befriended James Boswell, with whom he later traveled to Scotland; Johnson described their travels in (1786).
Towards the end of his life, he produced the massive and influential (1779–1781), a collection of biographies and evaluations of 17th- and 18th-century poets. Through works such as the “Dictionary, his edition of Shakespeare, and his Lives of the Poets in particular, he helped invent what we now call English Literature”. The or “” is a genre which developed during the second half of the 18 th century. It celebrates the emotional and intellectual concepts of sentiment,.
Sentimentalism, which is to be distinguished from sensibility, was a fashion in both poetry and prose fiction which began in the 18 th century in reaction to the rationalism of the. Sentimental novels relied on emotional response, both from their readers and characters. They feature scenes of distress and tenderness, and the plot is arranged to advance emotions rather than action.
The result is a of “fine feeling”, displaying the characters as a model for refined, and sensitive emotional effect. The ability to display feelings was thought to show character and experience, and to shape social life and relations. Among the most famous sentimental novels in English are ‘s Pamela, or Virtue Rewarded (1740), Oliver Goldsmith’s Vicar of Wakefield (1766), ‘s (1759–67), (1768), ‘s (1765–70), ‘s The Man of Feeling (1771) and ‘s (1800). In the late 18 th century, ‘s 1764 novel created the genre, that combines elements of and.7. Romanticism: c. 1798-1837was an artistic, literary, and intellectual movement that originated in Europe toward the end of the 18 th century. Various dates are given for the Romantic period in British literature, but here the publishing of in 1798 is taken as the beginning, and the crowning of in 1837 as its end, even though, for example, William Wordsworth lived until 1850 and both and published before 1798. The writers of this period, however, did not think of themselves as “Romantics”, and the term was first used by critics of the Victorian period.The Romantic period was one of major social change in England, because of the depopulation of the countryside and the rapid development of overcrowded industrial cities that took place in the period roughly between 1750 and 1850.
Indeed, Romanticism may be seen in part as a reaction to the, though it was also a revolt against aristocratic social and political norms of the, as well a reaction against the scientific of nature. The was an especially important influence on the political thinking of many of the Romantic poets.Some Romantism poets are William Blake with Song of Innocence (1789) and Song of Experience (1794); Robert Burns (1759-1796) with A Red, Red Rose, The Battle of Sherramuir; Lord Byron (1788-1824), Percy Bysshe Shelley (1792-1822), and John Keats (1795-1821), etc.8. Victorian Literature: c.
1837-1901It was in the (1837–1901) that the novel became the leading in English. Women played an important part in this rising popularity both as authors and as readers. Some novelists in the era are (1812–1870) with his popular works A Christmas Carol (1843), The sisters (1840s and 1850s) with, (1810–65) with, (Mary Ann Evans (1819–80) with (1859), (1828–1909) with Ordeal of Richard Fevered (1859).Important developments occurred in genre fiction in this era. The novelist are with, wrote in 1885, (1850–1894) with (1865), and with in 1902.9. Modernism: c. 1901-1939The horrors of World War I (1914-1919), with its accompanying atrocities and senselessness, became the catalyst for the Modernist movement in literature and art. Modernist authors felt betrayed by the war, believing the institutions in which they were taught to believe had led the civilized world into a bloody conflict. They no longer considered these institutions as reliable means to access the meaning of life, and therefore turned within themselves to discover the answers. Their antipathy towards traditional institutions found its way into their wrong, not just in content, but in form.
Popular Modernist include James Joyce with Ulysses, Madox Ford with The Good Soldier, Virginia Woolf with To the Lighthouse (1927), and T. Eliot with Murder in the Cathedral (1935).10. Post-modern Literature: c. 1945-20 th centuryAs in postmodernism, all ideas are new. Sometimes it becomes difficult and confusing to properly understand these terms. Post-modern authors were certainly not the first to use irony and humor in their writing, but for many post-modern authors, these became the hallmarks of their style.
Post-modern authors are very frustrated for World War II, the Cold War, conspiracy theories. Among postmodern writers are the Americans; Henry Miller, William S. Burroughs, Joseph Heller, Kurt Vonnegut, Hunter S. Thompson, Truman Capote, and Thomas Pynchon.The writers of 20 th century are Ian Fleming who created the character in January 1952, (1869–1937) the creator of (1904), the writer of, as the author of and, and author of the highly successful Harry Potter.Footnote. (accessed on 4 th Mei 2016, at 17.04)M. Abrams, The Norton Anthology of English Literature: The Middle Ages, W. Norton & Company, Inc., New York, 2000.
6.John Peck and Martin Coyle, A Brief History of English Literature, Palgrave Publishers Ltd, Hampshire, 2002. 15.https:/, 2016. (accessed on 8 th Mei 2016, at 23.29)John Peck and Martin Coyle, op. Cit.John Peck and Martin Coyle, op.
(accesses on 9 th May 2016, at 07.01)M. Abrams, The Norton Anthology of English Literature: The Twentieth Century, W. Norton & Company, Inc., New York, 2000. (accesses on 9 th May 2016, at 07.
Pengertian TaksonomiIstilah taksonomi ( taxonomy) berasal dari bahasa Yunani (Greek), yang terdiri atas dua kata “ taxis” yang berarti pengaturan, dan “ nomos” yang berarti ilmu pengetahuan. Kata taxis juga merujuk pada struktur hierarki yang dibangun dalam suatu klasifikasi. Jadi, taksonomi adalah ilmu yang mempelajari tentang pengaturan klasifikasi. Taksonomi itu memperlihatkan luas dan macam-macam tujuan pada berbagai tingkatan, dari yang umum sampai yang lebih spesifik, dari tujuan yang sederhana sampai kepada yang lebih kompleks yang memerlukan kemampuan mental pada taraf yang lebih tinggi.B.
Taksonomi BloomDalam menentukan dan merumuskan tujuan, banyak pada pendidik menggunakan buku Benyamin S. Bloom dan David R. Karthwohl, Taxonomy of Education Objectives: Cognitive Domain.
Bloom dan kawan-kawan membagi tujuan-tujuan tersebut menjadi tiga ranah atau domain, yaitu ranah kognitif, ranah afektif, dan ranah psikomotor. Ranah KognitifRanah kognitif adalah mengenai kemampuan intelektual siswa seperti yang ditampakkan dalam menyelesaikan soal-soal matematis, menyusun suatu karangan, atau dalam memecahkan berbagai jenis soal yang membutuhkan pemikiran. Ranah kognitif meliputi perkembangan intelektual atau mental.Ranah kognitif kemudian dibagi kedalam enam sub ranah yang tersusun mulai dari kemampuan yang paling rendah sampai yang paling tinggi:a. Knowledge (Pengetahuan)Meliputi kemampuan menyatakan kembali fakta, konsep, prinsip, dan prosedur yang telah dipelajarinya. Ciri pokok taraf ini ialah ingatan. Pengertian GuruDefinisi yang kita kenal sehari-hari adalah bahwa guru merupakan orang yang harus digugu dan ditiru, dalam arti orang yang memiliki kharisma atau wibawa hingga perlu untuk ditiru dan diteladani.
Menurut Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia, guru adalah seorang yang peerjaannya (mata pencahariaannya mengajar. Sedangkan menurut Jean D. Grambs dan C.
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